Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Autumn Art Classes in the Studio with Annabel

Good Morning Everyone.
I hope you had an enjoyable summer. Its time to check out your timetable for the coming months. Art Mornings are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9.30 - 12 am (note the new Wednesday mornings if that's more convenient for you)
They work as a drop in, you don't have to stick to a particular day, but it is good to know if people plan to turn up for the first time. 
Wednesday Evening Life Drawing starts again next week on the 7th September at 6.30 - 8.30 pm.

Friday, 26 August 2016

One Day Workshop on Saturday with Orwell Art Club; Paint/Colour/Freedom... with acrylics

Nine members of the art club arrived in the studio for their all day workshop, bright, early and eager.
The workshop was from 10 till 4, time enough to really get into it.
They worked hard, were open to exploration and I hope were very happy with their results.
See for yourself from the few photos of their paintings below.