Thursday, 14 December 2017

and a happy new year!!!!
Hope you all enjoyed the snow and quickly got your paints out....
(its like being on holiday... you get out all the kit and the moment has passed...)

Just a quick note.
Last days in the studio this year: Next Tuesday 19th and next Wednesday (both morning and evening) 20th.

we reconvene on the Wednesday 3rd of January 2018.. Both evening Life Drawing and morning Art Class..(anyone who is raring to get stuck in who usually comes on a Tuesday is welcome to come along on Wednesday morning instead.!)... I guess we better have a few less biscuits to sustain us. HO HO HO!!! (there's a theme emerging must be the Christmas spirit!)

ALSO....Stuck for the perfect present....(for yourself or someone else!)
I am planing a
Six week Portrait Painting Course. 
February 15th - March 22nd. 2018
Thursday mornings. 9.30 - 12.30
Lots of Demonstration and tuition, (Coffee or tea and biscuits naturally)
I want us to explore the form, accuracy, pallet and hopefully work towards developing your own style.
£160 the whole course. (Payment up front please so I can secure the model)
Places limited to 8 people- but we can go ahead with six.
email me to secure a place.

Look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Wednesday 8th Nov 2017


and evening...
(Exploring tone)

Thursday, 9 November 2017

NO Classes Next Week. (14th 15th)

NO Classes Next Week. (14th 15th)
START AGAIN Tuesday Morning 21st and Wednesday Morning 22ndLife Class Wednesday Eve 22nd November.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Wednesday morning drop in and Wednesday evening life drawing

Wednesday morning.
In the morning M continues to explore texture, drips, and adds... a hand!!!
A has nearly....nearly finished her complex painting of twigs and a bird,
and L begins another self portrait with touch as the starting point.
I encourage students to work on self portraits before they go on to paint other people, either from life or a photograph as you often feel a pressure to make it 'nice' for the viewer.. and when working from your own face this doesn't seem to happen so you can really look, or sometimes, feel.
It seems odd I know to start with touch, but it is something I have been exploring with myself and students for a while now.
We paint not just to get a likeness.... we can do that by photography, it has to be something else,
the feeling, emotion, the light, weight, intention... often the tactile experience of the paint, charcoal etc, is very significant. exploring by touch is so surprising, something that looks fluffy is sharp, a jug has an interior and exterior, I could go on and on.

Wednesday eve life drawing
We start as always with some breathing to focus our minds and leave the day outside the studio....I thought as it was a very small group I would skip the breathing, but they were adamant, in fact we did longer. I then try to explore some of the work we are going to be doing in the drawing. Not as peculiar as it if we are looking at weight, balance etc, with our eyes closed we can focus on this in our own bodies and the transfer that experience when drawing from the model. I have been using this more and more. you would be surprise at how the internalized feeling can work when looking.
This week I was focusing on the tiny foreshortening that occurs, sometimes at odds with what we see. We stood still and experienced our hands then brought one up to near our face, that one felt huge while the other virtually disappeared. We explored this focus on the subtle foreshortening in the gestural poses and then again in the long pose, not worrying about other aspects.

The beauty of working from the same model week after week is that you can really explore just what drawing is for you, that day. The light, the depth, the dynamic, the slowness, the internal strength in a seemingly simple pose, etc etc.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Friday, 25 August 2017

Art Classes with Annabel Mednick; September 2017

Here are the details of the art classes in my Ipswich Studio from September 2017

Wednesday Evening Life Drawing
starts again on 6th September 6.30 - 8.30 pm

and to get you back into the flow - Next weekends event!
 Life Drawing Weekend - Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd September
You can book directly with eventbrite    click here to go to the page
We will be looking in depth at the rhythms and flows of the form exploring a variety techniques, mark making and poses in the mornings, but there will be the same pose in the afternoon for both days, so you can really work on it in charcoal or paint if you wish.
Art Mornings 
start again from next week

Tuesday Morning - 29th August 9.30 - 12.00 am
Wednesday Morning - 30th August 9.30 - 12.00 am

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

the Summer Exhibition of Students work

The Studio: Ipswich
You are invited to the Summer Exhibition of Students work
Come and celebrate with us!!!
Saturday 8th July 7.30 p.m. onwards
continues Sunday 2 – 6pm
                                          painting by Angela Harvey

                                                      life drawings, paintings,portraits
               Everyone welcome on Saturday night! Bring your partner, friends, kids, mums and dads!
                                                   There will be music, dancing and fun!
                                                  82 Westholme Road, Ipswich, IP1 4HQ

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

All day Life Drawing and Painting Workshop Weekend Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd September

Hi everyone,
Here's a date for your diary.
I know its ages away but at the beginning of September, Blue and I are going to run an
 All day Life Drawing and Painting Workshop Weekend
to get you back into the swing of it.

Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd September 10  am - 4 pm.
 Over this two day workshop, we will be looking in depth at the rhythms and flows of the human form, exploring a variety of techniques, mark making and poses in the mornings, and a long pose in the afternoon. The long pose will be repeated on the second day so you can really work on it.

I will provide paper, charcoal and basic paint, so you can explore and experiment, but you may want to bring your own pastels, acrylics or oil paint, (Sansodor or equivalent, as a medium) and brushes, pallets, canvas etc. to really take advantage of the two-day long pose.

There will also be tea, coffee and biscuits, (of the nicest kind of course) but please bring a packed lunch.

You can book directly with eventbrite  click here to go to the page!

 Places will be limited to 10 max....
Please spread the word.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Fabulous stuff going on in the morning classes at the moment.

We have been drawing by touch., eyes closed. Things feel surprisingly different to how they look.

Check out this little film. 'Drawing by touch' 2017 'Drawing the face by touch' 2017

Thursday, 5 January 2017


 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Art Morning Drop ins

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Art Mornings 9.20am -12.00:
Work alongside me in my Ipswich Studio
Practise your skills in painting and drawing in an informal and relaxed way, with lots of help and friendly advice.
just £10 a session.


Wednesday Night Life Drawing 6.30 -8.30 pm

 An opportunity to be adventurous and take a fresh look at life drawing with an experienced tutor and model, (clothed); where is the weight, the dynamic, the flow? Delve deeper into the human form.
Classes are still incredibly good value at £48 for four sessions (which don't have to be consecutive) or £15 to drop in


 Private Tutorials

Why not have a Tutorial at just £25 for an hour session.
Arrange a time to suit you;
Do you want to explore oil paints, develop your style, or prepare your portfolio? Let’s develop a personalized program worked around your aims and needs.