Wednesday, 13 April 2016

A good question posed to me last night!

"Dear Annabel, Is the evening class Wednesday A  Life Drawing Class  or a Figure Drawing Class?"

So that got me thinking...
Initially I replied.

"I call it life drawing because we draw / work from a model (usually wearing vest and pants)  and cus I guess I have always referred to this as life drawing....But not sure I know the difference. Hope that answers your question."

But on reflection this morning added

" Actually a good question, its got me thinking...I think I call it life class not just because we work from a live person but we are also looking at essence of the being as a way to explore and develop, not just the form and shape of the figure.
so using the model as a source, this gives the artist room to interpret and try to get beyond the simply what does the person look like...
or something on those lines..."

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